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Steps to take if you lost your job during COVID-19

The only way to get better is by doing something about it - put your best face on and come up with a plan on the next big move.

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The only way to get better is by doing something about it - put your best face on and come up with a plan on the next big move.

Letting go of a job is never that easy. It gets worse when the world seems to be falling apart. It is okay when such happens, and a pity-party might help you get over those emotions. You can spend a couple of days watching your favorite show on Netflix to help you cope. Whenever dealing with any kind of loss, it’s okay to allow that moment of self-pity for a day or two. However, halfway into the next day, you’ll realize that the only way to get better is by doing something about it - put your best face on and come up with a plan on the next big move.

Nearly everyone has been economically affected by COVID-19 and some have lost their jobs. Here are five steps you should take if you lost your job during the pandemic.

Check out your finances

You need to have a look at your finances keenly while in quarantine and waiting to get yourself on the next job. If you have any automatic service subscriptions, you need to terminate, at least temporarily. The next thing is to have a look at your monthly expenses. Minimize your expenditure and only spend if it is necessary and essential. Determine which expenses you can forego, and which one is going to be a priority for your survival. Come up with a budget based on essentials only.

Carry out a self-assessment

Having done a financial check and managed to create a budget comprised of essentials only, it’s time to do a self-assessment - how long is your budget going to last in this pandemic? This will give you an estimation of how long you are going to last before you get another job. Despite it being a difficult period, several industries and companies are still running; hence, there is a glimmer of hope. Job seekers with complete profiles have a higher chance of getting noticed by employers. You have a great opportunity to work on your CV and complete your profile to get noticed. Take a look at the skills you have at hand and determine whether they can apply to another industry or provide you with means of making money.

Reposition yourself

More than shifting your position in your couch and changing the TV channels, I am referring to bracing yourself for the next position in your life. One of the most common things about candidates during jobs interview is that they cannot tell what they are good at, and who they are. Take time and review your work experience and skills, what is that one thing that links all those roles? Develop a lead statement that you can use to respond with when asked about yourself. In case your industry has nose-dive, see how you can fit your experience to fit into a similar role in and out of your area of expertise.

Learn something new

Growing up, what is that one thing that you always wanted to do? Maybe you wanted to learn how to play a violin or paint. Maybe you were planning on going back to school. Now is the perfect time to take an online course and improve your skills as a songwriter or editor. Most universities have offered to give free online courses to people to help spend their free time during quarantine engaged in useful activities. There is a wide range of free online courses on Fuzu that will equip you with leadership and soft skill as we prepare for life after Covid.

Leverage networks.

While enjoying your favorite playlist or learning to cook a new recipe, this may not be the perfect time to meet friends or visit family. Technology has brought the world together, use social media to connect, research on what to do after this period and so forth. Reach out to people on LinkedIn, join groups, and follow pages that resonate with your area of practice. Connect with recruiters and learn how they do stuff from their end. A recruiter will help you leverage your network quickly and meet the right people. Update your profile to get access to more opportunities and explore the world.

Losing a job is a traumatizing experience; in the contemporary world, most people define themselves with their profession. Maybe it is time to reflect, step back, redesign, and reflect on how you want to define yourself in future. The loss may be a finish line that will mark the beginning of a new race.

Written by

Kelvin Mokaya

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