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10 positive affirmations that will make your work life happier

Imagine it this way, your brain is like a garden. If you don’t tend to the plants (your thoughts) in your garden, it will become overgrown with weeds (negative thoughts). Positive affirmations work by feeding the healthy plants, giving them the nutrients they need to grow strong and tall.

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Imagine it this way, your brain is like a garden. If you don’t tend to the plants (your thoughts) in your garden, it will become overgrown with weeds (negative thoughts). Positive affirmations work by feeding the healthy plants, giving them the nutrients they need to grow strong and tall.

Photo credit: wayhomestudio

You may have seen affirmations online, on Instagram, or on Pinterest. Maybe you use them yourself, but never really thought about how or why they work. In this article, we have booked a date between you and positive affirmations for work. At the end of this date, you will get to know what positive affirmations for work are. You will get to understand how or why they work, and also, as you tip the waiter on your way out, you will be offered tips on how you can come up with positive affirmations that will work for you.

Shall we?


What are affirmations?

Positive affirmations for work are the secret weapon of successful, happy people. They are a form of self-talk that boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. When you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything – including happiness at work. They’re often short, personal statements that are repeated out loud or silently to yourself. The more you say them, the more you’ll start to believe them.

Doing this can have a real impact on your brain and your well-being. It may even help with conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


How do positive affirmations work?

It's all about your brain.

Your brain is like a computer - it is programmed to run a certain way based on what you tell it. It is also programmed by things you say to yourself. For example, if you say “I am going to fail this exam” chances are that you will most likely fail because your brain will be focused on failure rather than success.

On the other hand, if you tell your brain that “I am going to pass this exam” your brain will be more focused on passing the exam rather than failing it. This is called the reticular activating system (RAS) and it filters out any unnecessary information to focus on what is needed or important.

The bottom line is that positive affirmations work because they help you develop a new state of mind and believe in the things you say.


Here are 10 positive affirmations for work that will make your career life better:


  • I am successful.

Success looks different for everyone, but the idea is to define it for yourself and then strive to achieve that goal. That might mean landing that promotion, growing your company, or simply just being happy with what you do each day. By defining success, you'll have a target to aim for, and each time you practice this affirmation, you can visualize your goal.


  • I am a creative thinker.

Positive affirmations can be used to promote creativity by helping us define our strengths and better understand why we're so awesome at what we do. This affirmation is meant to remind you that thinking outside the box is something that comes naturally to you. If you're feeling stuck in a rut, repeating this statement will help spark those creative juices.


  • I am a good communicator.

Communication is imperative in any workplace environment. If you tend to struggle in this area, positive affirmations are a great way to improve your communication skills by reinforcing the belief that you are indeed a great communicator. 


  • I will learn something new every day.

Even if your job doesn't change much from day to day, there's bound to be something new for you to learn. It could be as minor as trying a different route home or as major as tackling an off-topic project that requires some research and skill-building. Just getting in the habit of looking for new things to learn can help keep things fresh and fulfilling at work — especially if they're skills or knowledge you want or need.


  • I have enough time today to complete all my tasks and still have some time left over for fun.

When we get stressed, we often feel like we don't have enough time for everything we need to get done. That feeling can make us less productive. Remind yourself that no matter what's going on, you have all the time you need to get things done.


  • Any amount of effort I put into something will bring me closer to my dream career. / My hard work is paying off, and today I will see the results of my efforts.


  • I am a person who is kind and caring towards my coworkers, but strong enough to stand up for what I believe in.


  • I choose to have a contagious positive attitude. / My energy is contagious; when I show up at work, everyone around me feels more positive, energized, and inspired.


  • I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to do.


  • I can be successful every single day at work.


Final Takeaway: Taking a break from work is not laziness or indolence. It is how we maintain our productivity and get the most out of our workday.


Tips on how to do affirmations so you can get the most out of this practice


  • Make an affirmation list - This will help you have a clear view of what needs to be changed in your life and choose affirmations accordingly.
  • Write down your affirmations and read them aloud - Saying them out loud makes you more conscious of their meaning, which is essential for their effectiveness.
  • Believe in your affirmations - It may be hard at first, but in time, your subconscious will start believing the things you say, and so will your conscious mind.
  • Be persistent and patient - You won’t see results overnight, but if you keep practicing positive affirmations every day, eventually, they’ll become a part of your life.

Written by

Phil Ibsen

Phill Ibsen is a creative writer, scriptwriter and a storyteller who believes in telling the story as it is and not as it should be. He is the founder of Master of Descriptions, a production company which aims in showcasing authentic stories. He’s also an affiliate writer at the Writers Guild.

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