

Government, community development, public services Jobs in Africa



Maurice Xandra Solutions Limited

Community Engagement Manager

Lagos, Nigeria

True North Consult Ltd


Community Relations Supervisor

Kampala, Uganda

Finpact Consulting


Program Manager - Sokoto

Sokoto, Nigeria

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Deloitte Nigeria


Analyst, PSOC Data Analysis & Reporting

Lagos, Nigeria

Community Engagement Manager

Closing: May 26, 2024

7 days remaining

Published: May 15, 2024 (4 days ago)

Job Requirements


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Job Summary

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  • Candidates should possess relevant qualifications and work experience.Proven experience in community engagement, Project management, or similar role.
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Excellent communication interpersonal, and relationship-building skills.
  • Candidates should possess relevant qualifications and work experience.Proven experience in community engagement, Project management, or similar role.
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Excellent communication interpersonal, and relationship-building skills.
  • Community Engagement: Develop and implement strategies to engage with local communities, stakeholders, and partners. Additionally, Organize and facilitate community meetings, workshops, and events to gather input, share information, and foster collaboration.
  • Communication and Outreach: Develop and implement communication strategies to raise awareness of community projects and initiatives and create engaging content for digital platforms, newsletters, and other communication channels.
  • Project Management: Develop project timelines, budgets, and resource plans to ensure successful implementation. Additionally, coordinate with internal teams and external partners to align project goals and objectives.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness and impact of community engagement activities. Additionally, prepare regular reports and presentations to communicate project status, achievements, and lessons learned.
  • Moderation: Monitor group interactions to ensure adherence to community guidelines, maintain a positive atmosphere, and address any inappropriate behaviour.
  • Stakeholder Relations: Serve as the primary contact for stakeholders, communicating effectively to provide updates, address concerns, and integrate feedback into project planning.

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